New book equips producers with the tools and knowledge to profitably regenerate ecosystem health

New book equips producers with the tools and knowledge to profitably regenerate ecosystem health

New book equips producers with the tools and knowledge to profitably regenerate ecosystem health

October 1, 2019 – Research has shown nearly a third of arable land worldwide has been lost to degradation and erosion over the past 40 years. Globally-recognized soil advocate and agroecologist Nicole Masters delivers the solution to rewind the clock on this increasingly critical soil crisis in her first book, For the Love of Soil: Strategies to Regenerate Our Food Production Systems. In the book, she argues we can no longer treat soil like dirt. Instead, we must take a soil-first approach to regenerate landscapes, restore natural cycles, and bring vitality back to ecosystems.

“For years, many of us involved in regenerative agriculture have been touting the soil health – plant health – animal health – human health connection but no one has tied them all together as Nicole does,” says farmer and soil health advocate, Gabe Brown. “She shows us through her own personal experiences and those of farmers, ranchers, researchers and medical professionals all over the world that the answers lie in the soil.”

Masters’ book breaks down the complex, technical know-how of soil into more digestible terms. She combines this with case studies from her travels working with farmers and ranchers across Australasia and North America to explain what inspires and enables these innovative land managers to embrace a new land ethic and build “soil capital” on their agricultural operations. Together, they present a compelling testament to the global, rapidly growing soil health movement.

“These food producers are taking actions to imitate natural systems more closely,” says Masters. “… they are rewarded with more efficient nutrient, carbon, and water cycles; improved plant and animal health, nutrient density, reduced stress, and ultimately, profitability.”

In spite of the challenges food producers face, Masters’ book shows even incredibly degraded landscapes can be regenerated through mimicking natural systems and focusing on the soil first. 

“Our global agricultural production systems are frequently at war with ecosystem health and Mother Nature,” notes Terry McCosker of Resource Consulting Services in Australia. “In this book, Nicole is declaring peace with nature and provides us with the science and guidelines to join the regenerative agriculture movement while increasing profits.”

Masters will officially release her book during a special launch event on October 24th at the Shane Lalani Center for the Arts in Livingston, MT. 

About the Book

For the Love of Soil: Strategies to Regenerate Our Food Production Systems translates the often complex and technical know-how of soil into more digestible terms through case studies from regenerative farmers, growers, and ranchers in Australasia and North America. Along with sharing key soil health principles and restoration tools, For the Love of Soil provides land managers with an action plan to kickstart their soil resource’s well-being, no matter the scale.

About the Author

Nicole Masters is an internationally-recognized agroecologist dedicated to helping land managers regenerate soil health. Her mission is to help producers create vibrant, profitable, healthy food productions from the soil up.

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When You Are Ready, Here Are 4 Ways We Can Help You

1. Online Soil Health Courses - Learn at your own pace and develop a foundation of soil health, organic chemistry, natural cycles and more. If you are new to soil health and ecological agriculture, we invite you to start your learning journey by starting here.

2. For the Love of Soil Book - by Nicole Masters is centered around strategies to regenerate our food production systems. We also offer a Spanish translation you can find here.

3. CREATE Coaching Program - This 36-week program is designed to train and empower consultants and coaches in the theory, principles and practices behind healthy, ecological based agricultural systems. This is for serious professionals only.

4. Connect with Fellow Soil Health Coaches - This is a directory of independent soil health coaches that have completed our CREATE Coaching Program and meet our standards, ethics, and values. We invite you to browse to connect with a coach that fits your context and personal situation best.

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