Emily listening

Emily Fulstone

Emily is a seventh-generation cattle rancher and farmer on the Easter slope of the Sierra Nevada Mountains. She went to school for Environmental Science and Biology where she focused in ecosystems and how they function.

Her family today raises all natural angus beef on BLM and Forest Service Permits and raises grass and alfalfa hay for dairies. Since 2016 she has been implementing regenerative practices that have eliminated the need for pesticides and helped to reduce fertilizer use. She is passionate about helping other farmers and ranchers balance their ecosystems from the soil up.

  • Emily's specialty is cropping systems and cattle grazing in an arid climate.

My Ideal Client Is...

Clients who want to learn how to create functioning farm ecosystems that require very little inputs.

Emily Fulstone

Smith Valley, Nevada

Facebook: www.facebook.com/fulstoneranches

Email: emily@fulstoneranches.com

Phone: (775) 901-6486

Instagram: www.instagram.com/efulstone

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The Integrity Soils Fellowship is an invitation-only international network of elite coaches, consultants and educators who have completed the intensive CREATE agroecological coaches training. Every coach must meet our standards, ethics, and values before being invited to join. These coaches are independent, operating their own unique businesses separate from Integrity Soils LLC. Each coaches approach and results will based on different factors, such as a coach’s individual capacity, expertise and context.

We encourage you to not place undue reliance on the information on this Site and urge you to perform your own due diligence prior to making any decision to work with a coach.