Nicole Coaching

Grassroots Festival

Tasmania, Australia

February 2025

12th Farm bus tour.
13th Grassroots Festival.
14th Getting to the Root
, one day workshop with Nicole Masters.

Do you want to create truly regenerative outcomes for the landscapes that steward you?
What is holding you back from success on your own property?

In this deep dive, we will work through the 5Ms of diagnostics (Mindset, Management, Microbes, Minerals, and OM). Through a decision-making process, you can triage where are the critical points for you to powerfully leverage "how little does it take" to foster health, abundance, profit, and success.

If you have soil and plant tests, bring them along. We will go deep and wide in this journey to uncover what may be hampering progress above and below-ground.

registration and more information


19th & 20th February 2025

Greystone Vineyard in North Canterbury, NZ

UNDERGROUND is a two day festival celebrating soil, food and farming centred around community, culture and connection. It’s about how life underground impacts life above the ground.

Email for further information
  • 3-day workshop in NZ

    Join author and agroecologist Nicole Masters in the Learning Field at Integrity Soils.

    25th to 27 February, 2025

    This 3-day workshop is for strengthening your leadership skills.
    Falls Retreat, Karangahake Gorge, Waihi, New Zealand offers a relaxed learning environment.

    Lunches at Falls Retreat included.
    Please make your own arrangements for accommodation.

    Workshop price USD 1,050.00 

    Limited Spaces, Book now to secure your place.

    Email for any further queries.

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