Resources & Lists

fellowship-Celestine Otieno
Celestine is a passionate agroecology educator and consultant with over sixyears experience collaborating with producers. Her passion lies in cultivating healthyfarm ecosystems and she intimately understands the challenges that farmers face.Having battled...
fellowship-Celestine Otieno
Celestine is a passionate agroecology educator and consultant with over sixyears experience collaborating with producers. Her passion lies in cultivating healthyfarm ecosystems and she intimately understands the challenges that farmers face.Having battled...

How to Take Leaf Samples from Pastures and Trees
Pasture tissue tests complement soil tests and allow important trace nutrients like cobalt, selenium, copper and iodine to be adjusted for improved animal health and crop performance. Soil and plant...
How to Take Leaf Samples from Pastures and Trees
Pasture tissue tests complement soil tests and allow important trace nutrients like cobalt, selenium, copper and iodine to be adjusted for improved animal health and crop performance. Soil and plant...

How to Take a Soil Sample
To start, what is your goal? Soil tests are more valuable when collecting trends over time. It is therefore important to repeat soil tests the same time of the year...
How to Take a Soil Sample
To start, what is your goal? Soil tests are more valuable when collecting trends over time. It is therefore important to repeat soil tests the same time of the year...

How to Use a Refractometer
REFRACTOMETER: THE ESSENTIAL TOOL The refractometer measures degrees Brix- a measure of the dissolved solids and the sugars produced during photosynthesis. OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Open the daylight plate, wipe the refraction...
How to Use a Refractometer
REFRACTOMETER: THE ESSENTIAL TOOL The refractometer measures degrees Brix- a measure of the dissolved solids and the sugars produced during photosynthesis. OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Open the daylight plate, wipe the refraction...

How to Do a Infiltration Test
1. Place a piece of wood over the top of the ring. Strike the board with the hammer until the ring is driven into the ground to the 100mm mark....
How to Do a Infiltration Test
1. Place a piece of wood over the top of the ring. Strike the board with the hammer until the ring is driven into the ground to the 100mm mark....

Nicole Masters Recommended Reading List
Readers are Leaders! Check out the recommended reading list we created to educate and grow your wisdom and knowledge in all areas of regenerative agriculture, soil health, food/fibre production and...
Nicole Masters Recommended Reading List
Readers are Leaders! Check out the recommended reading list we created to educate and grow your wisdom and knowledge in all areas of regenerative agriculture, soil health, food/fibre production and...