Meet Craig Madsen
Ecosystem stewardship and soil health have been Craig’s passion for more than 30 years. He is a Field Professional with the Savory Institute and has been a Certified Educator in Holistic Management since 2001. Always interested in a deeper understanding of the complex nature of our ecosystem, Craig completed the CREATE program in April 2022, a 6-month intensive Agroecological Coaching school.
He has operated a successful vegetation management business since 2002 using goats as the tool to accomplish landowner objectives.
Craig was a Range Management Specialist with the USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service for 14 years. Craig has worked with private landowners, colleges, cities, counties and federal agencies in Washington, northwest Oregon and north Idaho.
Craig offers site visits to your operation for evaluation and monitoring of the 5 Ms – Mindset, Management, Microbes (biology), Minerals and Organic Matter. How well are the ecosystem processes functioning on your property? Are minerals cycling? How diverse and active is the biology in your soils? What is happening to your organic matter? Are you capturing all of your rainfall? What new mindset approaches and management strategies might improve your land and your business?
Craig is also available for workshops and presentations to community groups.
Craig's Specialties & Interests
Helping people to develop their Holistic Context so they can create their desire lifestyle and landscape. Providing training in Holistic Management, helping people understand the 5 Ms/ Evaluation and monitoring of ecosystem processes.
My Ideal Client Is...
A person or family who want to create their desire lifestyle through a deeper understanding of how they want to live their lives and who want to work with nature to create a healthy and resilient ecosystem.
Craig Madsen
Washington, Idaho, Oregon, Montana and International.
Website: www.healinghooves.com
Email: craigmadsen.consulting@gmail.com
Phone: (509) 990-7132
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/craig-madsen
CREATE Fellowship Disclaimer
The Integrity Soils Fellowship is an invitation-only international network of elite coaches, consultants and educators who have completed the intensive CREATE agroecological coaches training. Every coach must meet our standards, ethics, and values before being invited to join. These coaches are independent, operating their own unique businesses separate from Integrity Soils LLC. Each coaches approach and results will based on different factors, such as a coach’s individual capacity, expertise and context.
We encourage you to not place undue reliance on the information on this Site and urge you to perform your own due diligence prior to making any decision to work with a coach.