It was pre-Covid when I first approached a professional curriculum developer, Carrie Rose, to discuss my dream of building an online school that would really make a difference in supporting people to read their soils with confidence. Carrie got me thinking more deeply about how we put content together in a way that is digestible for producers and could fit around their busy lives.
We spent 6 months just in the design of a program that engenders change on the ground, I'm not interested in navel gazing or information for information's sake... I want to see people get out and dig holes and connect to soil in a whole new way! The design is crafted to cater to diverse learning styles and motivational factors that foster behavioural change. We incorporated the fundamentals of Ethos, Pathos, and Logos into the core framework.
Logos employs rational reasoning - why should anyone consider it important to care about soil or assessing soil health? Ethos builds authority and trust in information sources, therefore, we take great care to share content that is well-researched and based on our own hands-on experience. While pathos taps into our emotional connection.
As you might be well aware, 95% of humans do not alter their actions based on data alone; rather, it's our profound care and connection that truly drives us. I hope you have loved and enjoyed this program as much as we did, we are offering this program at a discounted bundle with any of our other online trainings.