Online Soil Health Courses and Training

There is a lot that goes into understanding soils… they are complex, with so many variables. It’s no wonder so many producers never dig holes, or worse, spend thousands of dollars to apply unnecessary products or hire someone else to assess the health of their soil.

We offer a range of courses that simplify the complexity behind soil health, grazing systems, and working with people.

Fast-track your success, reduce effort, costs, inputs and stress by deepening your knowledge and skills.

Nicole in the field

SHIFT: Online Training in the Skills and Tools to Equip Leaders in Change Initiatives

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  • Nicole portrait with horse

    Soil Horse Course

    A horse is not a cow! Gain new knowledge and actions to improve soil health and turn your horse pastures into a nutritious salad bar for your beloved 4-legged friends.

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  • Dig a hole sandy compacted soil

    Soil Health Foundations

    Read the health of your soil like a pro! Deepen your knowledge and hand-on skills to measure soils. Author and soils coach Nicole Masters guides you through the concepts to immerse yourself in the joy of fieldwork.

    Versión en Español

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  • measurement with Felix

    Soil Health Masterclass

    Embark on a "Deep Dig" into soil health during this 5 hour, professionally filmed 3-day Masterclass led by Nicole Masters in New Zealand.

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  • Grazing mixed herd from drone New Zealand

    Grazing for Life!

    In this self-paced course, you will foster a consciousness of your land that allows you to harness the power of plants, microbes, and livestock to generate greater productivity. Applying key principles, you will reimagine your land to help your livestock become partners in regenerative productivity—rather than beasts of burden.

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Are You Serious About Agroecology and Healthy Soils & Ecosystems?

If you’ve been unsure about current on-farm/ranch practices and are looking to make sense of the endless recommendations that may not “add up,” these courses will give you the foundations to support you in making informed decisions about the health of your soil.

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Fundación para la Salud del Suelo

¡Lee la salud de tu suelo como un profesional! Profundice sus conocimientos y habilidades prácticas para medir suelos. La autora y entrenadora de suelos Nicole Masters te guía a través de los conceptos para sumergirte en la alegría del trabajo de campo.

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Join More Than 2,400+ Students Learning Soil Health Principles!

  • “I could listen to you talk for months and not tire. I can’t wait to start doing stuff on my farm and for my family’s health…and book myself for more courses.” 

    Tiffany Neylon

  • “Mind is blown, I have answered a lot of questions I wasn’t sure about. I have a good plan to take back is good to know I’m on the right track.”

    Matt Black

  • "Guys, this was all great! I can’t believe how much material you presented and how much depth, care, enthusiasm you expressed. Thank you so much!"

    – Peter West

Dig a hole sandy compacted soil

Educate, Expand & Empower Yourself

Take the power back into your own hands by taking action for your land, animals, family and profits today!

These online courses are created and held on the Thinkific platform.  They can be accessed anytime and completed in your timeframe, they then remain available with no foreseen expiry. 

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